Certificate (do.certificate)

SSL certificates may be uploaded to DigitalOcean where they will be placed in a fully encrypted and isolated storage system. They may then be used to perform SSL termination on Load Balancers.

Data Structures


  • id - string - A unique ID that can be used to identify and reference a certificate.
  • name - string - A unique human-readable name referring to a certificate.
  • not_after - string - A time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time format that represents the certificate’s expiration date.
  • sha1_fingerprint - string - A unique identifier generated from the SHA-1 fingerprint of the certificate.
  • created_at - string - A time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time format that represents when the certificate was created.

List all Certificates



  • A list of Certificate data structures


Create a new Certificate or multiple Certificates

do.certificate.create(name, private_key, leaf_certificate, certificate_chain)
  • name - string - A unique human-readable name referring to a certificate.
  • private_key - string - The contents of a PEM-formatted private-key corresponding to the SSL certificate.
  • leaf_certificate - string - The contents of a PEM-formatted public SSL certificate.
  • certificate_chain - string - The full PEM-formatted trust chain between the certificate authority’s certificate and your domain’s SSL certificate.


  • A Certificate data structure


Create a new Certificate if not already existing

do.certificate.present(name, private_key, leaf_certificate, certificate_chain)
  • name - string - A unique human-readable name referring to a certificate.
  • private_key - string - The contents of a PEM-formatted private-key corresponding to the SSL certificate.
  • leaf_certificate - string - The contents of a PEM-formatted public SSL certificate.
  • certificate_chain - string - The full PEM-formatted trust chain between the certificate authority’s certificate and your domain’s SSL certificate.


  • A tuple of two Certificate data structures (second is None if already present)

Retrieve an existing Certificate by id

  • id - number - The id of the Certificate to retrieve


  • A Certificate data structure


Delete a Certificate

  • id - number - The id of the Certificate to destroy


  • None. A DOBOTOException is thrown if an issue is encountered.
