LoadBalancer (do.load_balancer)

Load Balancers provide a way to distribute traffic across multiple Droplets. You can list, create, or delete Load Balancers as well as add or remove Droplets, forwarding rules, and other configuration details.

Data Structures

Health Check

  • protocol - string - The protocol used for health checks sent to the backend Droplets. The possible values are “http” or “tcp”.
  • port - int - An integer representing the port on the backend Droplets on which the health check will attempt a connection.
  • path - string - The path on the backend Droplets to which the Load Balancer instance will send a request.
  • check_interval_seconds - int - The number of seconds between between two consecutive health checks.
  • response_timeout_seconds - int - The number of seconds the Load Balancer instance will wait for a response until marking a health check as failed.
  • unhealthy_threshold - int - The number of times a health check must fail for a backend Droplet to be marked “unhealthy” and be removed from the pool.
  • healthy_threshold - int - The number of times a health check must pass for a backend Droplet to be marked “healthy” and be re-added to the pool.

Load Balancer

  • id - string - A unique ID that can be used to identify and reference a Load Balancer.
  • name - string - A human-readable name for a Load Balancer instance.
  • ip - string - An attribute containing the public-facing IP address of the Load Balancer.
  • algorithm - string - The load balancing algorithm used to determine which backend Droplet will be selected by a client. It must be either “round_robin” or “least_connections”.
  • status - string - A status string indicating the current state of the Load Balancer. This can be “new”, “active”, or “errored”.
  • created_at - string - A time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time format that represents when the Load Balancer was created.
  • forwarding_rules - list - Forwarding Role data structures
  • health_check - list - Health check data structures
  • sticky_sessions - list - Sticky Session data structures
  • region - object - The region where the Load Balancer instance is located. When setting a region, the value should be the slug identifier for the region. When you query a Load Balancer, an entire region object will be returned.
  • tag - string - The name of a Droplet tag corresponding to Droplets assigned to the Load Balancer.
  • droplet_ids - array of integers - An array containing the IDs of the Droplets assigned to the Load Balancer.
  • redirect_http_to_https - bool - A boolean value indicating whether HTTP requests to the Load Balancer on port 80 will be redirected to HTTPS on port 443.

Forwaring Rule

  • entry_protocol - string - The protocol used for traffic to the Load Balancer. The possible values are “http”, “https”, or “tcp”.
  • entry_port - int - An integer representing the port on which the Load Balancer instance will listen.
  • target_protocol - string - The protocol used for traffic from the Load Balancer to the backend Droplets. The possible values are “http”, “https”, or “tcp”.
  • target_port - int - An integer representing the port on the backend Droplets to which the Load Balancer will send traffic.
  • certificate_id - string - The ID of the TLS certificate used for SSL termination if enabled.
  • tls_passthrough - bool - A boolean value indicating whether SSL encrypted traffic will be passed through to the backend Droplets.

Sticky Session

  • type - string - An attribute indicating how and if requests from a client will be persistently served by the same backend Droplet. The possible values are “cookies” or “none”.
  • cookie_name - string - The name of the cookie sent to the client. This attribute is only returned when using “cookies” for the sticky sessions type.
  • cookie_ttl_seconds - string - The number of seconds until the cookie set by the Load Balancer expires. This attribute is only returned when using “cookies” for the sticky sessions type.

List all Load Balancers



  • A list of Load Balancer data structures


Create a new Load Balancer

do.load_balancer.create(attribs, wait=False, poll=5, timeout=300)
  • attribs
    • name - string - A human-readable name for a Load Balancer instance.
    • algorithm - string - The load balancing algorithm used to determine which backend Droplet will be selected by a client. It must be either “round_robin” or “least_connections”.
    • forwarding_rules - list - Forwarding Role data structures
    • health_check - list - Health check data structures
    • sticky_sessions - list - Sticky Session data structures
    • region - object - The region where the Load Balancer instance is located. When setting a region, the value should be the slug identifier for the region. When you query a Load Balancer, an entire region object will be returned.
    • tag - string - The name of a Droplet tag corresponding to Droplets assigned to the Load Balancer.
    • droplet_ids - array of integers - An array containing the IDs of the Droplets assigned to the Load Balancer.
    • redirect_http_to_https - bool - A boolean value indicating whether HTTP requests to the Load Balancer on port 80 will be redirected to HTTPS on port 443.
  • wait - boolean - Whether to wait until the droplet is ready
  • poll - number - Number of seconds between checks (min 1 sec)
  • timeout - number - How many seconds before giving up


  • A Load Balancer data structure


Create a new Load Balancer if not already existing

do.load_balancer.present(attribs, wait=False, poll=5, timeout=300)
  • attribs
    • name - string - A human-readable name for a Load Balancer instance.
    • algorithm - string - The load balancing algorithm used to determine which backend Droplet will be selected by a client. It must be either “round_robin” or “least_connections”.
    • forwarding_rules - list - Forwarding Role data structures
    • health_check - list - Health check data structures
    • sticky_sessions - list - Sticky Session data structures
    • region - object - The region where the Load Balancer instance is located. When setting a region, the value should be the slug identifier for the region. When you query a Load Balancer, an entire region object will be returned.
    • tag - string - The name of a Droplet tag corresponding to Droplets assigned to the Load Balancer.
    • droplet_ids - array of integers - An array containing the IDs of the Droplets assigned to the Load Balancer.
    • redirect_http_to_https - bool - A boolean value indicating whether HTTP requests to the Load Balancer on port 80 will be redirected to HTTPS on port 443.
  • wait - boolean - Whether to wait until the droplet is ready
  • poll - number - Number of seconds between checks (min 1 sec)
  • timeout - number - How many seconds before giving up


  • A tuple of two Load Balancer data structures (second is None if already present)

Retrieve an existing Load Balancer by id

  • id - number - The id of the Load Balancer to retrieve


  • A LoadBalancer data structure


Update a Load Balancer

do.load_balancer.update(id, attribs)
  • name - string - A human-readable name for a Load Balancer instance.
  • algorithm - string - The load balancing algorithm used to determine which backend Droplet will be selected by a client. It must be either “round_robin” or “least_connections”.
  • forwarding_rules - list - Forwarding Role data structures
  • health_check - list - Health check data structures
  • sticky_sessions - list - Sticky Session data structures
  • region - object - The region where the Load Balancer instance is located. When setting a region, the value should be the slug identifier for the region. When you query a Load Balancer, an entire region object will be returned.
  • tag - string - The name of a Droplet tag corresponding to Droplets assigned to the Load Balancer.
  • droplet_ids - array of integers - An array containing the IDs of the Droplets assigned to the Load Balancer.
  • redirect_http_to_https - bool - A boolean value indicating whether HTTP requests to the Load Balancer on port 80 will be redirected to HTTPS on port 443.


  • A Load Balancer data structure


Delete a Load Balancer

  • id - number - The id of the LoadBalancer to destroy


  • None. A DOBOTOException is thrown if an issue is encountered.


Add Droplets to a Load Balancer

Individual Droplets can not be added to a Load Balancer configured with a Droplet tag. Attempting to do so will result in an DOBOTOException.

do.load_balancer.droplet_add(id, droplet_ids)
  • id - number - The id of the Load Balancer to change
  • droplet_ids - list - A list the IDs of the Droplets to be assigned to the Load Balancer instance.


  • None. A DOBOTOException is thrown if an issue is encountered.


Remove Droplets to a Load Balancer

do.load_balancer.droplet_remove(id, droplet_ids)
  • id - number - The id of the Load Balancer to change
  • droplet_ids - list - A list the IDs of the Droplets to be removed from the Load Balancer instance.


  • None. A DOBOTOException is thrown if an issue is encountered.


Add forwarding rules to a Load Balancer

Individual Droplets can not be added to a Load Balancer configured with a Droplet tag. Attempting to do so will result in an DOBOTOException.

do.load_balancer.forwarding_rule_add(id, forwarding_rules)
  • id - number - The id of the Load Balancer to change
  • forwarding_rules - list - Forwarding Roles data structures


  • None. A DOBOTOException is thrown if an issue is encountered.


Remove forwarding rules to a Load Balancer

do.load_balancer.forwarding_rule_remove(id, forwarding_rules)
  • id - number - The id of the Load Balancer to change
  • forwarding_rules - list - Forwarding Roles data structures


  • None. A DOBOTOException is thrown if an issue is encountered.
