Snapshot (do.snapshot)

Snapshots are saved instances of a Droplet or a volume, which is reflected in the resource_type attribute. In order to avoid problems with compressing filesystems, each defines a min_disk_size attribute which is the minimum size of the Droplet or volume disk when creating a new resource from the saved snapshot.

Data Structures


  • id - string - The unique identifier for the snapshot.
  • name - string - A human-readable name for the snapshot.
  • created_at - string - A time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time format that represents when the snapshot was created.
  • regions - list - A list of the regions that the image is available in. The regions are represented by their identifying slug values.
  • resource_id - string - A unique identifier for the resource that the action is associated with.
  • resource_type - string - The type of resource that the action is associated with.
  • min_disk_size - number - The minimum size in GB required for a volume or Droplet to use this snapshot.
  • size_gigabytes - number - The billable size of the snapshot in gigabytes.

List all, droplet, or volume snapshots

  • resource_type - string - Can be “droplet” or “volume” for snapshots thereof.


  • A list of Snapshot data structures


Retrieve an existing snapshot by id
  • id - number - id of the Snapshot


  • A Snapshot data structure


Delete a snapshot

  • id - number - id of the Snapshot


  • None. A DOBOTOException is thrown if an issue is encountered.
